martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Fr. Ellacuría’s Archive is included in the Documentary Heritage list (24-Nov-2015).

Bandera de las Américas, adoptada como símbolo de las Américas
por la séptima conferencia internacional Americana de
Montevideo el 13 de diciembre de 1933

The Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (MUPI) (Museum of the Word and the Image) reported that UNESCO has included the archive of the Jesuit Father Ignacio Ellacuría as part of the documentary heritage for Latin America and the Caribbean. The delegate of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as director of the MUPI, Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, recently gave the certificate to the Rector of the Centro American University (UCA), Fr. Andreu Oliva, the current successor of Fr. Ellacuría. Fr. Ellacuría was murdered November 16th, 1989 during the Salvadorian civil war, together with other Spanish Jesuits, a Salvadorian Jesuit, and two women. The archive is of philosophical and theological interest, but it also contains documents and materials of Fr. Ellacuria's thoughts on the political situation in El Salvador and Central America in the eighties and early nineties.

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