miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Canadian Jesuit Appointed Rector of Rome’s Pontifical Oriental Institute.


September 2, 2015 — Canadian Jesuit Father David Nazar has been named rector of the Pontifical Oriental Institute, the premier center for the study of Eastern Christianity in Rome. 

Fr. Nazar is currently serving as superior of the Jesuits in Ukraine and is a former provincial of the Jesuits' English Canada Province. 

 "I gladly accept this appointment," said Fr. Nazar. "This is important work for the good of the church and, in particular, for the Oriental churches. Today we have conflicts in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, and military action in Ukraine. The church should rethink its mission in these countries, and the Pontifical Oriental Institute ... is an important element in this process." 

Fr. Nazar was born to a family of Ukrainian immigrants in Canada. There, he had the unique experience of practicing faith in two different rites, the Byzantine and the Latin, in the Catholic Church. This experience became an aid for his later ministry, when he was appointed superior of the Jesuits in Ukraine in 2003. 

In addition to serving as the superior in Ukraine, Fr. Nazar was also involved with the Jesuit Refugee Service in the country. [Sources: RISU, English Canada Province]

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