viernes, 12 de agosto de 2016



August 12th marks the anniversary of the victory of the Crusaders at the Battle of Ascalon in 1099. By This victory, the newly established Kingdom of Jerusalem was secured. 

Shortly after Jerusalem fell to the Crusaders, it was a vast Learned the Muslim army was marching from Egypt to seize the Holy City, massacre the Christians and destroy all Their churches. 

After the election of Godfrey of Boullion as Defender of the Holy Sepulchre and the discovery of the True Cross hidden Within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on August 5th, Godfrey led the Crusader army eleven more into battle, meeting the Muslim army outside the city of Ascalon. , Although the Christians Were Greatly outnumbered, Godfrey led an attack at dawn and the True Cross was Carried into battle. Caught by surprise, the Muslims Were utterly defeated with heavy losses.

On This Observance Day of the Order of the “St. Ignatius of Loyola”, all Knights and Dames are Asked to recite the Prayer for the Fallen from the Breviary of the Order For Those Knights of Christ Who Died in the Holy Land and for Those of our MOST Noble Order Who Have passed on to a Heavenly Kingdom. 

 "O Almighty God, the God of the living and the dead, Who by a voice from heaven didst proclaim," Blessed are the dead WHO die in the Lord "; grant eternal peace and manifold blessings of Thy love to Those Who Have fallen in knightly service;. That we pray the good work Which Thou didst begin in May be Perfected Those knights unto the day of Jesus Christ And of Thy mercy, O heavenly Father, bless These fallen ones. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.

    Your article is very well done, a good read.

  2. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.

    Your article is very well done, a good read.


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