lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Registo ante la Inspección General de Justicia de la República Argentina


Orden de  los Caballeros de Su Santidad el Papa de
San  Ignacio de Loyola

CUIT 30-71154773-6
Ingresos Brutos
Conv Mult 901-581660-2
IVA Exento
Art 4, ley de Marcas 22362

"It is our hope that this excellent organization will help to unify Papal knights within the continents of North and South America and promote the world brotherhood of knights in service of God, the Church, and humanity. We charge all its members to do their best to fulfill this duty of service."
+Card. A. Sodano

(Click en el título para ampliar)

. Don Carlos Gustavo Iº

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Ayudando a los niños en la pobreza - Ayudar a los niños para la vida en un mundo mejor. Embajadora Cultural de la Orden en Perú

Projects will be announced very soon. Thank you for your kindest interest in helping us to make the world better for our children.
Coming soon at this place a list of prjects we are undergoing. If somebody would be interested to participate actively in assisting in projects, performing them in their local country by dealing with government organizations and taking care about conversion of these projects as an Ambassador of Goodwill, please contact me directly here through the message system.
“Helping Kids in Poverty” is an association aiming to contribute to the help for Children who are living in poverty, mainly in Europe, but as well in other continents. We are supporting children to get a better life, starting their life with better education, enables them to get some possible holidays in their youth like others in better situated families, finding possibilities to collect gifts for them, toys, technics like computer where they can start learning how to connect with the world they are living in. Money collected here will support diverse projects in infant schools, orphanages and other institutions keeping children in this state of poverty.
Ambassadors for this project will be announced ongoing, every public known person who has interest to support us in the public is welcome and will be announced on our special Ambassador´s page. They will be mentioned there with their activities and companies.