miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Muhammad Yunus invitó a S.E. Dama de Honor Ing Mónica Pescarmona a recibir en la Ciudad de Oslo, Noruega , el premio Nobel de la Paz

Muhammad Yunus “el Banquero de los pobres” hoy ganador del premio Nobel de La Paz invitó a S.E. Dama de Honor Ing Mónica Pescarmona Presidenta y Fundadora de la Fundación Graneen Mendoza a recibir en la Ciudad de Oslo, Noruega , el premio Nobel de la Paz

Born in Mendoza, member of a respectful entrepreneur family of the province. Graduated from “Universidad Nacional de Cuyo” with the title of Agronomist. Speaks English and has basic knowledge of Italian and French. Married to Eduardo Baldini, four children and two grandchildren..
Experience.Private Sector
  • Director of “Industrias Metalúrgicas Pescarmona SA (IMPSA)”
  • Director of “La Mercantil Andina Insurance Company”
  • President of “La Mercantil Agropecuaria”
  • President of “Olivos de Lagarde”
  • Director of “Corim”
  • Made several changes in Mendoza`s agriculture while working as an Agronomist
Third Sector
  • President of former “Fundación Pediátrica Renal”
  • Former Board member of “Fundación de Endocrinología Infantil”
  • Advisory Consultant to “Viaje de Vuelta”
  • Honorary President of “Fundacion de Hospital Pediátrico Humberto Notti de Mendoza”
  • Participant of the 2002 Micro credit Summit Campaign in New York
  • Participant of the 2003 International Micro credit Forum in Brasilia
  • Participant of the 2004 Micro credit Summit Campaign in Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Participant of the 2005 Micro credit Summit Campaign in Santiago, Chile
  • Participant of the 2006 Micro credit Summit Campaign in Halifax, Canada
  • President and Founder of Grameen Mendoza Foundation.

  • Founded Grameen in 2001, converting it in 2003 into a social organization conducted under principles of efficiency and self sustainability. Assisted to several training courses on micro finances, as applied by the Grameen Bank, and was visited in Mendoza, by Peace Nobel Prize, Muhammad Yunus in 2003. She assisted to almost every Micro credit Summit Campaign and did training with institutions such as Grameen Bank (by General Manager, M. Siddiqur Rahman), Grameen Trust, BRAC (one of the biggest NGOs in the world), ASA, Sheva and MSS (Working for the People). Actively participated in the design of the institution’s Credit Guidelines adapted to Argentina’s idiosyncrasy, received several awards and has been invited to talk about and share Grameen`s experience in Argentina and other countries. Received several proposals from businessmen to take Grameen to other Argentinean provinces with their funding. As a consequence Grameen operates nowadays in Mar del Plata and Corrientes and will expand to Buenos Aires and other provinces in the region of “Cuyo”..
Distinctions and Dissertations
Year 2004: Dissertation at IDEA`s Symposium; Dissertation on Grameen`s foundation in Tunuyan, Mendoza, invited by Rotary Club de Tunuyán, Mendoza; Speaker at the Social Development Challenges for the New Millennium Conference; Dissertation at the AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) on it’s 104th anniversary; Appointed Member of the Regional Advisory Board of the Regional Micro credit Summit for Latin America.
Year 2005: Moderator at the conference “Diseño de Sistemas Internos de Control para Minimizar el Fraude y las Irregularidades” at the Regional Micro credit Summit for Latin America, in Santiago de Chile; Dissertation about Grameen`s foundation at the Regional Micro credit Summit for Latin America, Santiago de Chile; Invited to participate at the Women’s Forum for the Economist & Society, France; Winner of the Business Social Responsibility Award in Micro finances- granted by the Franco-Argentina Chamber of Industry and Commerce: Benefactor: MERCANTIL ANDINA S.A. Insurance Company - Beneficiary: Fundación Grameen Mendoza”; Semifinalist of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2005, sponsored by The Schwab Foundation.
Year 2005: Moderator at the conference “Diseño de Sistemas Internos de Control para Minimizar el Fraude y las Irregularidades” at the Regional Micro credit Summit for Latin America, in Santiago de Chile; Dissertation about Grameen`s foundation at the Regional Micro credit Summit for Latin America, Santiago de Chile; Invited to participate at the Women’s Forum for the Economist & Society, France; Winner of the Business Social Responsibility Award in Micro finances- granted by the Franco-Argentina Chamber of Industry and Commerce: Benefactor: MERCANTIL ANDINA S.A. Insurance Company - Beneficiary: Fundación Grameen Mendoza”; Semifinalist of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2005, sponsored by The Schwab Foundation.
Year 2006: Speaker at the Third National Congress “Argentina necesita Emprendedores”, Buenos Aires; Semifinalist of the Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2006, sponsored by The Schwab Foundation and “El Cronista”; Winner of the Social Entrepreneur Award granted by the “Foro Ecumenico Social”; Finalist at the “Intercambio para el Desarrollo de la Microempresa” Award granted by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Year 2007: Speaker at Columbia University, New York; Speaker at the Argentinean Consulate in New York.
Interviewed to talk about microfinances and the Grameen model by many local, national and international newspapers, television and radio programs such as Uno Newspaper, Los Andes Newspaper, “Mañana Profesional” Newspaper, “La Nación” Newspaper, “Clarín” Newspaper, “Mercado” Magazine, “Fortuna” Magazine, “Mujeres y Compañía” Magazine, “Infobae” Newspaper, “La Nueva Rioja”, “Caras” Magazine, “IDEA” Magazine, “Noticias” Magazine, “Cambio” Cultural, “Emisora del Sol de Mendoza” Radio, “Nihuil de Mendoza” Radio, “Familia de Mendoza” Radio, “Radio 10 de Buenos Aires”, Mr. Chiche Gelblum Television Program, Mrs. Marita Morál Television Program (Channel 4 Supercanal), “Opinión” Television Program Channel 9, “Viva la mañana con todo” Television Program conducted by Mrs. Carbonari, Channel 9 and Channel 7 from Buenos Aires, BBC London, among others.
Works and Publications
  • Author of the Autobiography “Trazos de una historia de vida”, about her father and family’s experience.
  • In the process of writing a book about her personal experience in the microfinance sector, from the very beginning, while doing voluntary work at Caritas Foundation to the discovery of Yunus`s book, an inspiration to Grameen Mendoza Foundation

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

Pope Benedict XVI has granted in February, 2009 to the brother Colleoni,the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice.


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Pope Benedict XVI has granted in February, 2009 to the brother Colleoni, Muy Augusto Caballero Comendador de la Soberana Orden de Caballería de San Ignacio de Loyola “Damas y Caballeros Americanos Siglo XXI” the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice.

This decoration of the most important in the Vatican has been granted for the job opening and consolidation of friendly relations between Mongolia and the Holy See. Also for supporting Catholic institutions such as churches, nursery schools in remote parts of Central Asia and many other personal efforts to spread the Roman Catholic religion, as well as mutual respect for religious and cultural, along with the missionaries, nuns and all Catholics in their daily work in Mongolia.



jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

El día 7 de octubre de 1734, es consagrado en Buenos Aires el Templo de San Ignacio, obra del arquitecto jesuita Juan Kraus.

En 1686, con el producido de los primeros hornos de ladrillos de Buenos Aires, comenzaron a levantarse la torre sur y los muros del frente de la iglesia, que ya existía, construida sobre muros de adobe. Desde 1712, según planos del jesuita Juan Krauss, comenzó a edificarse la iglesia actual, que conserva aquella torre sur y muro frontal originales: junto con un tramo de galería subterránea del desaparecido Fuerte, son los elementos arquitectónicos más antiguos de la ciudad. La construcción fue dirigida por el propio Krauss y por los Coadjutores jesuitas Andrés Blanqui y Juan Bautista Prímoli (arquitectos), Juan Wolff (maestro de carpintería), y Pedro Weger (maestro de herrería).

La iglesia se inauguró en 1722 y se consagró, ya terminada, en 1734. Es la más antigua que se conserva en Buenos Aires, para cuya defensa fue bastión durante las Invasiones Inglesas.

La iglesia, que responde a la tipología originada en Il Gesú de Roma (Arq. Vignola, siglo XVI), tiene planta en cruz latina, con una nave principal, dos laterales -cada una constituida por cinco capillas- y ábside rectangular. Características singulares de San Ignacio, que comparte únicamente con la Catedral de Montevideo, son la cúpula sobre tambor cuadrangular, en el crucero, y la doble altura de las naves laterales. La fachada, cuya autoría se discute, muestra influencia del barroco bávaro. El Ingeniero Felipe Senillosa la completó, a mediados del siglo XIX, agregándole la torre norte, similar a la sur, ambas rematadas por cupulines revestidos en azulejos Pas de Calais. El altar mayor, original del siglo XVII, fue tallado en madera y dorado por Isidro Lorea. En esta iglesia, que integra la Manzana de las Luces, tuvo lugar en 1821, el acto de inauguración de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Amados hermanos, Nobles Compañeros del Cisne. El 18 de febrero es la festividad de nuestro Patrón San Angilberto, casa de Hohenzollern.